The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has busted a network of child traffickers involved in the buying and selling of babies across India. During this action, CBI conducted searches at 7 locations in Delhi and Haryana. During the search, two boys aged less than 1.5 days and 15 days and a girl aged one month were rescued. Also, the accused have been arrested with Rs 5.5 lakh in cash and other incriminating items. The CBI has submitted charges against 10 accused under various sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2015. These accused are alleged to be engaged in buying and selling of infants across India, including their adoption. Investigation has revealed that the accused are connecting with childless couples who are willing to adopt children through advertisements on various social media platforms. These accused claim that they buy children from real parents and surrogate mothers and sell them for between Rs 4 to 6 lakh per child.
These accused claim that they have defrauded childless couples of lakhs of rupees through fake documents. Intensive investigation is going on in this matter.
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