The Delhi High Court has issued a stern directive to BharatPe co-founder Ashneer Grover, ordering him to remove certain “derogatory” social media content targeting the financial technology company. Justice Prathiba M Singh expressed dissatisfaction with Grover’s tweets, particularly one labeling SBI chairmen as “petty people,” which the court deemed as an innuendo aimed at the present BharatPe board chairperson. The judge emphasized that Grover’s actions violated earlier court orders to refrain from making defamatory allegations against the firm.
In response to a lawsuit by Resilient Innovations Pvt Ltd, the owner of BharatPe, seeking recovery of over ₹88 crore and relief against defamation, the court directed Grover to take down tweets and news reports about a letter he wrote to the RBI, leveling allegations against BharatPe. The lawsuit alleges misappropriation of funds by Grover and his family members, who have been accused of conducting a “vicious and vitriolic” campaign against the company.
The court’s order underscores the seriousness of the matter, warning Grover against further objectionable statements and urging him to comply with legal obligations. It emphasizes the potential adverse impact on BharatPe’s business, employees, and reputation due to unnecessary public statements. The court’s intervention aims to safeguard the interests of the company and prevent further damage arising from contentious disputes.
Earlier instances of defamatory social media posts led the high court to impose costs on Grover, highlighting the persistent violation of court orders despite assurances given by him. The ongoing legal battle reflects the complexities and challenges faced by businesses in managing internal disputes and protecting their reputation in the digital age.
The directive underscores the need for responsible conduct and adherence to legal obligations in matters of public discourse, emphasizing the importance of upholding professional ethics and legal standards in addressing grievances and disputes.
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