In a significant development in the Shraddha Walkar murder case, the High Court of Delhi has directed the authorities at Tihar Jail to allow Aaftab Amin Poonawala, the prime accused, to spend eight hours a day outside his cell before being confined to a solitary cell at night.
The order, issued by a bench headed by Justice Suresh Kumar Kait, comes in response to a petition filed by Poonawala challenging his solitary confinement on grounds of security concerns. Poonawala’s legal representative argued that his client should not be subjected to solitary confinement under the guise of security measures, especially when other inmates are allowed outdoor time for eight hours a day.
The bench, also comprising Justice Girish Kathpalia, upheld Poonawala’s plea and directed the jail authorities to grant him the same privileges as other prisoners during the day. However, it mandated that Poonawala be lodged in a solitary cell during nighttime hours.
The counsel representing the jail authorities cited threat perceptions as the reason behind Poonawala’s segregation from other inmates. He referred to previous instances where Poonawala was attacked en route to the Forensic Science Laboratory in Rohini, leading to directives from the trial court to ensure his security.
Poonawala’s lawyer emphasized that his client has not committed any offenses within the jail premises and is being subjected to solitary confinement, depriving him of any human interaction.
The case pertains to the gruesome murder of Shraddha Walkar, Poonawala’s live-in partner, whose body was found dismembered in Delhi’s Mehrauli on May 18, 2022. Poonawala stands accused of strangling Walkar and dismembering her body, allegedly concealing the parts in a refrigerator before scattering them across various locations in the national capital to evade detection.
The Delhi Police filed a comprehensive chargesheet in the case on January 24, 2023, comprising 6,629 pages of evidence. Subsequently, a trial court framed charges of murder and destruction of evidence against Poonawala.
The High Court’s directive marks a significant development in the ongoing legal proceedings surrounding the Shraddha Walkar murder case, ensuring that Poonawala’s rights are upheld while addressing concerns of security and justice.
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