The Gujarat High Court has lifted its temporary stay on the release of the Netflix film ‘Maharaj’, which was earlier barred from streaming following a petition by a group of businessmen. The court found that the film, based on historical events leading to the 1862 Maharaj Libel Case, was not intended to hurt the sentiments of any community. This decision comes after Justice Sangeeta K Vishen reviewed the film, concluding that it is focused on historical social reform rather than defamation.
The Gujarat High Court’s lifting of the stay on ‘Maharaj’ allows Netflix to proceed with the film’s release. This decision reaffirms the importance of freedom of expression and underscores the necessity of viewing artistic works within their historical and social contexts. The court’s ruling also serves as a reminder that preemptive bans based on presumptive offense can undermine constitutional freedoms and artistic expression.
Gujarat High Court, Netflix, Maharaj, Karsandas Mulji, Maharaj Libel Case, Vaishnavite community, freedom of expression, Article 19(1)(a), social reform, Central Board for Film Certification.
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