The Madhya Pradesh High Court has delivered a significant verdict, holding the editor of a Hindi daily, Suman Singh Sikarwar, guilty of contempt of court for an article published 13 years ago. The article, titled ‘Sarvoch nayalaya aaj ki tara nishpakch ho jai to Judge Shri Mody ji ko jail mein hona tha’ (If the Supreme Court were as impartial as it is today, Judge Shri Mody would have been in jail), accused a sitting High Court judge of corruption, colluding with a politician, and misusing his position.
Chief Justice Ravi Malimath and Justice Milind Ramesh Phadke ruled that the article aimed at tarnishing the image of the judges and undermining the court’s reputation. The bench found Sikarwar guilty of criminal contempt under Section 2(c) of the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971, and imposed a fine of Rs 1 lakh, instructing him to deposit it with the MP High Court Bar Association. Additionally, a Rs 2,000 fine was levied.
The contempt proceedings were initiated by the high court’s registrar general, who deemed the article an attempt to scandalize the judge’s image and lower the court’s reputation. Despite Sikarwar’s apology affidavit, the court found his remorse insincere, stating that his actions and appearance displayed no genuine regret.
The court dismissed Sikarwar’s claims of exposing corruption in the judiciary, asserting that his remarks were not mere criticism but were expressed in intemperate language and undesirable expletives. The ruling underscores the judiciary’s commitment to upholding its dignity and ensuring accountability in the face of unwarranted attacks.
This verdict serves as a reminder of the responsibility of journalists and editors to exercise restraint and uphold the principles of fair and responsible journalism, especially when commenting on matters concerning the judiciary.
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