A Mumbai court on Friday cancelled the bailable warrant issued against Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Member of Parliament (MP) and prime accused in the 2008 Malegaon Blast case, Pragya Singh Thakur. Special judge AK Lahoti, who had previously issued the warrant for Thakur’s non-appearance during the ongoing trial, cancelled the warrant after Thakur appeared before the Court today.
Thakur’s lawyer sought the cancellation of the warrant on the grounds of her hospitalisation, presenting supporting medical documents. The Court, after reviewing the evidence, found merit in her submissions and cancelled the warrant.
Initially directed to appear before the Court on March 20 and pay a fine of ₹10,000 for the warrant’s cancellation, Thakur’s lawyer requested an exemption from appearance due to her hospitalisation. Subsequently, the Court stayed the execution of the warrant until her discharge from the hospital.
Appearing before the Court today with the assistance of supporting aid, Thakur filed an application for the cancellation of the warrant through her lawyer. Citing her ill health, Thakur also sought exemption from recording her statement, which the Court granted.
Considering Thakur’s medical condition and the presented medical documents, the Court permitted the exemption for today’s proceedings. However, Thakur was directed to remain present for the next hearing scheduled for March 28.
The cancellation of the warrant comes amidst the ongoing trial related to the 2008 Malegaon Blast case, in which Thakur is a prime accused. The development provides relief to Thakur and her legal team, allowing them to focus on the legal proceedings without the added pressure of a pending warrant.
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